It's time for our fair share
Fairness For All
Fairness toward all, by all, and for all—such a simple concept that should embrace and be embraced by all walks of life! Do we not recognize our own desire to receive a fair share of all that life offers, and should we not, in equal measure, want the same for everyone around us? Too many today take from others instead of helping others receive a fair shake and their fair share. Our movement is fundamentally about fairness, regardless of whether you are poor or rich or the color of your skin. Your gender should not determine your equitable share, nor your religion affect your station in life.
We should seek and find fairness in our families, our neighborhoods, our counties, and our country. Our natural rights should protect us, and not be something we use to take from others. We have lost so much of what our great country once stood for at home and abroad. We are, and should be, the world’s leader in promoting democracy and respect for human rights, but when we forget the basics of a free and fair society in our own communities it is hard for us to lead others. We have forgotten the importance of compromise and finding middle ground where most can be secure. Instead of fighting for equality, some fight selfishly, taking for themselves what belongs to another. Ours is not a partisan movement, but rather a cause for all people of all personal persuasions. Whether you identify as blue or red or purple, or whether your mascot is a donkey, an elephant, or a unicorn, we want fairness for you! We want us all to join in believing that tomorrow can be better than yesterday, and turning that optimism into real progress toward realized equality. We want all Americans, and frankly all citizens of our world, to go to sleep at night knowing the next day they, too, have an honest chance of not just surviving and receiving their fair share, but actually thriving and giving others their fair share as well.
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By volunteering you can help protect our county and join the fight to get our fair share of funding.
Media Coverage
News Stories
What voters need to know about San Bernardino County’s secession measure
San Bernardino County’s Measure EE isn’t about seceding from California, backers of the initiative say. Or at least, it’s not just about secession.
The Sun / Daily Bulletin: Yes on EE in SB County to Get Fair Share
Secession fever hits state’s biggest county
In land area, San Bernardino County is California’s largest, stretching from the Nevada state line to just north of Riverside and from near Los Angeles to the Colorado River and the Arizona state line. It is physically larger...

People United for Fairness in Support of Measure D & EE,
374 N. Coast Hwy. 101, Ste 2,
Encinitas, CA 92024
Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate.